2 AM Principle: The Jon Levy Blueprint of Extreme Adventure

2 AM Principle: The Jon Levy Blueprint of Extreme Adventure by Jon Levy

Jon Levy
153 x 229mm

It’s another Saturday night at your local tavern. The lights flicker on and off. 2:00 AM again. Time to slink home—or time to get started on a new adventure? The 2 AM Principle will be your inspiration—and guide—to living life to the fullest.

They say nothing good happens after 2 AM. But have they played Jenga with an intoxicated Kiefer Sutherland? Ran with the bulls in Pamplona, or navigated Greenwich Village by shopping cart? Jon Levy has—and for anyone looking to exchange their ordinary nights out for all-night, how-did-we-end-up-in-Mechanicsburg adventure, his 2 AM Principle will be guidebook, inspiration, and how-to.

Adventures don’t happen by accident—just ask Levy. Once a high school geek, Jon is now a world-traveling behavior expert and creator of the EPIC Model of Adventure, a breakthrough four-step process (Establish, Push Boundaries, Increase, Continue) for creating an unforgettable night—from assembling the right team and picking the best mission, to the finer points of party conversation, and the proper technique for scaling a wall. The only rule? Nothing good happens after 2 AM—except the most epic experiences of your life.

The 2 AM Principle is stocked with amazing stories, both outrageous and touching, from Levy’s adventures—his improbable triumphs, inspiring failures, and life-changing lessons. With the brainy enthusiasm of a TED Talk, and the life-hacking zeal of Timothy Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Work Week, this book will resonate with anyone looking to live more fully—and adventurously.
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
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