Wine for Dummies 7th Ed.

Wine for Dummies 7th Ed. by Ed McCarthy & Mary Ewing-Mulligan

187 x 234mm

Wine enthusiasts: raise a glass!

The global wine market has expanded rapidly in the past few years and is forecasted to increase through 2019. Consumption, new wine styles, online wine purchasing, and a growing younger population of wine enthusiasts are all contributing factors.

In Wine For Dummies, the authors--both recognized wine authorities and accredited Certified Wine Educators--share their expertise, revealing the latest on what's in, what's out, and what's new in wine. Featuring information on both classic and cutting-edge wines, it's packed with everything you need to hold your own in tasting rooms, shops, and beyond!

Includes updated information on navigating wine shops and selecting wines in restaurants
Covers the latest expert advice on buying wine online thanks to the online retail boom
Provides updated vintage charts and price guidelines
Offers information on trends in wine, including packaging innovations such as wine in a can, kegs, and boxes

Whether you're a beginner or intermediate wine enthusiast, this is your no-nonsense guide to choosing wine, understanding wine lists, exploring new varieties, serving, sharing, and more!
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