154 x 207 x 29mm
Ways to eat, ways to cheat: what to wear, what to ditch -
101 simple, do-able but essential things that will truly make a difference to the way you look and feel about yourself.
We all know that dieting simply doesn't work for most people. So here's a 'not-a-diet' book - a live-it, not a die-t - that will show you how to develop positive relationships - with your jeans, your butter dish, your waist, your world. If you think it's time to free yourself from the tyranny of thin, this sassy, funny and practical book by style guru Mimi Spencer is the one for you. Like your ideal best friend, she will help you release your thinner self without all the depressing self-denial, guilty weigh-ins and faddy food plans. Instead, she will help you make the most of what you've got, and teach you to understand that the woman you are now is just as fabulous as the woman you want to be.
*How to find the perfect jeans
*Mimi's 12-step programme to fix your fattening habits
*Revealed: the true power of pants
* The secret of Solution Lingerie
*Wear heels
*Arm yourself against Calorie Ambush *Disguise your unlovable bits
*Learn to give Good Photo