An eye-catching gift book for anyone who's in the midst of the ups and downs of romance, or to give to that someone you've broken up with, gotten back together with, broken up with . . .
'50 Ways To Break Up With Your Lover and Make Up With Your Lover' is really two books in one. One side of the book is black and suggests ways to break up with your lover. Flip the book over and the other cover, printed upside down and in red, is about making up with your lover. With one suggestion per page, each with a short paragraph, ranging from everything from breaking up with someone at the beach (so that their hysterics will be drowned out by the crashing waves) to sending your hopefully ex-ex lover -to-be a favorite piece of lingerie in the mail, this is bound to appeal to the myriads of people in roller-coaster relationships. A terrific gift book that will amuse, titillate, and hopefully end and resume countless relationships!