Wake Refreshed Day After Day.
In a vital meeting your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, longing for sleep. But in the dead of night you can lie in bed staring at the glowing digits on your radio alarm unable to silence your babbling thoughts. Whether it's a stressful time at work or a snoring partner, lack of sleep is something everyone has experienced. Get your quota, however, and you'll work more efficiently, lose weight and get fewer colds. It'll also improve your relationships and pep up your sex life.
Longing for a luscious night of sleep? Let 'Sleep Deep' show you how. Karen reveals best methods for dealing with all types of sleep deprivation. From insomnia to sleepwalking, all your sleep problems can be solved. Karen Williamson is former deputy editor of women's health magazine Top Sant‚ and currently enjoys eight hours sleep a night.