How Your Brain Distorts And Deceives . . .
How your brain runs your life - whether you like it or not.
Can you trust your brain? Despite occasional misfires when faced with the 13 times table, or its persistent inability to master parallel parking, the brain is pretty amazing. Never before have we been made so aware of the sophistication of those one hundred billion brain cells that make up the engine of the mind. You might feel justified in thinking that you know what your brain's up to, and that you're in control.
Not so, says Cordelia Fine.
Your brain is vainglorious. It tells you tall tales. It's a quitter. It's irrational, pigheaded and secretive. Oh, and it's a bigot. If your brain were a person you definitely wouldn't invite it to parties and it would probably be a politician.
This book reveals the fiendish little sins your brain gets up to behind your back.
'A Mind Of Its Own' is an entertaining guide to the less salubrious aspects of human psychology. Combining classic psychological studies with the latest research, the book explains exactly why your brain is not to be trusted.
Hugely enjoyable and dotted with popular explanations of the latest in psychological research, 'A Mind Of Its Own' tells you everything you always wanted to know about the brain - and plenty you probably didn't.