Inspired by the Atkins Diet, award-winning chef Henry Harris has devised his own high-protein, low-carbohydrate regime, with recipes that are specifically designed for the true food lover. He was also determined that his programme would be demonstrably healthy - effectively dealing with the criticisms often levelled at such food group restriction.
With chapters on Breakfasts, Snacks and Sundries, Egg Dishes, Cheese Dishes and Quick and Easy Dishes as well as the more obvious Meat, Fish etc. and Salads and Vegetables, Henry provides much help for the dieter where it is really needed. For those concerned with employing his principles over whole meals and when entertaining, there are also whole menus, like his Favourite Dinner Party and Classic Sunday Lunch.
Throughout the book, Henry shares with the reader all the mouth watering recipes he devised to help him lose weight, many of which are beautifully illustrated, together with his hints and tips on subjects like buying quality protein foods at good prices. Cook the Henry Harris way and you'll lose weight effortlessly while still enjoying all that food has to offer.