161 x 234 x 32mm
From Dependence Through Independence to Gentle Anarchy.
When women achieve parity with men in the bedroom or boardroom, it is easy to assume the battle has been won. However, there remain important questions: why does equality with men entail only imitation and adoption of prevailing values and behaviour instead of innovation? Why is it that women continue actively to uphold or passively to reinforce the status quo: a system increasingly focused on competition, self-interest, dishonesty and endorsement of aggression? Why, despite "liberation", do so many women still allow themselves to be shackled by their dread of disapproval?
This book breaks new ground, its perceptions providing a breath of fresh air in the stale climate of current gender debate. While confronted by thought-provoking ideas, we become absorbed and moved by the unfolding events in the lives of the characters whose compelling story forms the shape of this book.
This is a powerful and provocative read. It is a wake-up call to women of all ages to look beyond the personal - beyond our individual frustrations or achievements - to understand what has fallen out of balance. This book inspires us to see the bigger picture, and for the sake of all we love, to speak up . . . and make a difference.