A clever comic novel set in contemporary Sydney. Alan Saunders has created a cast of intriguing characters including the enigmatically named Alanna Sanderson, who has written an account of a lost South-East Asian tribe - but can we believe her story?
Alanna has been on a journey to the Interior, which has changed her, making her a writer, an object of desire and an inspirational force. But what is the source of Alanna's thrillingly enigmatic power? Does a clue lie with her father "Burmese" Sanderson, the maverick anthropologist last heard of in the rainforests of South-East Asia thirty years ago? Who are the people of the Interior? What's going on behind the scene at the exclusive, vaguely sinister Ossian Arms, and who is the anonymous phone-caller?
Unravelling these mysteries is just part of the delight of Alan Saunders' deft, playful expose of the contemporary literary scene, its pretensions and foibles. A beguiling journey that keeps you on your toes every step of the way.