Based on the famous series of lectures given at Gottingen by Professor Prandtl and enlarged with additional material on experimental methods by O. G. Tietjens, this volume presents practical applications of theoretical hydro- and aeromechanics. The methods it deals with can easily be followed by engineers, although advanced mathematics is used in the sections on airfoil.Coverage is wide, ranging from an introduction to flow in pipes to Dr. Prandtl's own work on boundary layers, drag, airfoil theory, and experimental methods. Of special interest are discussions of entry conditions for flow in a pipe; turbulent flow in pipes and in the boundary layer; the method of determining the drag of a body from the velocity and pressure of the wake; measurement of pressure drop at the transition between laminar and turbulent flow; the laws of pressure drag, friction drag, and deformation drag; application of the momentum theorem to the Karman trail; experiments with the properties of slotted wings; the airfoil of infinite length; three-dimensional airfoil theory; and experimental methods and apparatus (pressure and velocity measurements, drag measurements, wind tunnels, and visualizing flow phenomena).