215 x 275 x 17mm
Now updated to more closely reflect the latest AQA exam question format and wording. Please note this title is suitable for any student studying:Exam Board: AQA Level: A Level and ASSubject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018AQA Geography A Level and AS is a student-friendly resource for the AQA A Level and AS specifications
- written specially to target the demands of the new specifications. Accessible, clear and thorough, this Student Book covers the human geography component of the course. It engages all your students with interesting,
up-to-date examples and relevant case studies. This Student Book has been approved by AQA.Clearly-written objectives open each unit, setting out for students what they need to learn, and high-quality photos, maps and diagrams aid explanations. Motivating differentiated activities, chapters on fieldwork, geographical skills and extension materials, and practice questions all reinforce the book's rigour. The book also features a glossary of key terms, and a full index.
Answer guidance for the activities is available on Kerboodle (school purchase only).