Australia and New Zealand Business Franchise Guide for the budding entrepreneur is full of information from the top experts in the industry of Franchising. Becoming the owner of a franchised business or franchising your existing business is a big decision, and this guide is full of useful and insightful information to get you started on your franchising journey. You will find informative chapters written by renowned specialists within the franchising sector who offer a wealth of information on how to research, select, buy and run your own successful franchise. We have asked franchise lawyers, accountants, consultants to share with us their top tips and tricks for your financial success, we also include information from the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA), a national non – for – profit industry body that represents the Franchise Sector, the National Retail Association (NRA), and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Franchising has many advantages over independent business ownership as it allows franchisees to own their own business without being totally alone, which is an attractive prospect for many entrepreneurs. No matter where you are on your franchising journey, this book will help you on your franchising path to success.