With a mixture of inspirational suggestions, practical advice and traditional wisdom and rituals, 'Baby Magic' will show just how you and your baby can create real enchantment together.
The book is divided into six chapters beginning with Magical Toy box – an introduction to the folk and fairy lore of babyhood, which includes useful advice on traditional ways of protecting your little one. Next, Anticipating a Happy Event will help you discover the magic of conception and pregnancy; for example how to talk to your baby in the womb and how to have a charmed baby shower. Welcoming the New Arrival is filled with ideas for gently introducing your baby to her new family and home. Using a combination of astrology, folk wisdom and traditional ideas, Getting to Know You details ways that can help you discover your baby's special talents. Everyday Baby Magic offers ideas to bring enchantment to your child's daily routine, from good mornings to bath time. There's also traditional advice on breast feeding, teething and sleeping. Finally, Your Baby Through the Year takes you and your infant on a journey through the year's cycle to help you discover new ways to find the magic in every season – from Easter eggs to icicles, from birth to blowing out the first birthday candle.