In the aftermath of a devastating earthquake, Gotham City has fallen into complete anarchy. Among the survivors, those who haven't fled like rats deserting a sinking ship struggle to rebuild. But with Gotham completely cut off from outside aid, factions begin to form, territories are staked out, and gang-wars erupt for control of the city.
In the midst of all this, two powerful personalities - dedicated Police Commissioner Jim Gordon and the city's long-absent masked vigilante, the mysterious Batman - must overcome their differences and work together to restore order. Aiding them is an eclectic supporting cast of fascinating characters. Standing against them is Gotham's unique menagerie of psychotic criminals- the Joker, the Penguin, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, and many more.
This is a surprising tale of hope in face of tragedy, that redefines a modern archetype for a new millennium. Delving into the deeply wounded man behind the mask , 'No Man's Land' is a tour-de-force that will change the way the world thinks about Batman.