It is relatively easy to get a legal divorce; getting an emotional one is a whole different story. The break-up of a relationship can be a devastating experience, leaving you with overwhelming feelings of grief and anger. As Charlotte Friedman shows in this valuable new book, it doesn't have to be that way.Friedman is a former family barrister, who decided to move from the courtroom to the therapist s chair in order to help people manage the emotional fall-out of divorce.In Breaking Upwards she offers calm, therapeutic advice on everything from how to manage loneliness to letting go of grievance, and draws on illuminating case studies to answer such questions as:- How long before I get over this divorce?- How do I tell the children?- Will I ever be able to cope with the new partner in my ex s life?Breaking Upwards is designed to guide you through, from separation to feeling better, and give you the confidence to create a genuinely positive new story.