She disagrees. It takes her a minimum of six weeks to write a book, and usually it's more than that. Also according to friends, she began her writing career when she ran away from home at age five to write copy for the circus that had come to town. It is clear to her that she should let her friends write all of her biographies, because they're much more interesting that way.
Her own recollections suggest she began writing around age six, when she submitted three poems to a school publication. The teacher producing the magazine selected (inevitably) the one she thought was by far the worst, but also told her--a six year old kid--to keep writing, which she has. She has also held the usual grab-bag of jobs usually seen in an authorial biography, including public library volunteer (at ages 9 and 10; it's clear she was doomed to a career involving books), archival assistant, cannery worker, and web designer. Writing books is better, and she now has close to a dozen in print. In her down time, she writes comic books and is working on a screenplay, which may be why her editor and agent independently suggested she get a hobby that *wasn't* writing.