Discover�how simple changes can make any room�and its inhabitants�feel more inspired, clear, and energetic. Designer and Stanford instructor Olga Trusova's practical and inspiring guide offers easy-to-follow tips for cultivating a calming environment at home or at work.
Using the principles of design thinking, Trusova�distills essential design wisdom,�revealing how to use light, color, sound, furniture, and more to make simple, intentional changes for a profound impact on your mind, body, and spirit.�Illuminating examples, accessible tips, and short exercises reveal how easy it is to transform a space, whether you're targeting a small corner or multiple rooms. Brimming with smart, digestible design tips and life-changing techniques, this stylish handbook makes a lovely self-purchase or gift for creatives, design enthusiasts, at-home workers, and anyone looking for simple, proven ways to design a soothing space.