Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Success is about the individual journey toward finding true success. It is about mixing accomplishments with your spirituality side and in the midst of it all finding the balance we all crave and making a difference.
Chicken Soup for the Teen's Soul is a compilation of inspirational stories written by teens about the issues that teens face today and how they resolved those issues in a positive way. Whether it's that special moment between friends, the agony of a loss or the fun of a day off from school–all are explored in this collection of stories and poetry. Delving into the corners of their souls, these poems and personal experiences reveal special moments–a first kiss, the loss of a friend, a chance meeting, or that connection with a special teacher, grandparent, or even a pet. These teenagers speak honestly and poignantly about the issues they face and how they overcame them with strength and insight.