A companion guide to the authoresquo;s earlier book on the clinical applications of neurobiology.
Your Clientlsquo;s Internal Experience illustrates key principles of affect regulation through case examples. Topics include affect regulation and the autonomic nervous system, defense mechanisms and the limbic system, threat management and the amygdala, therapeutic engagement issues and the vagal system, personality disorders as affect management strategy, the adolescent brain, integrating selected neurobiological concepts into the supervisory process, and psychotic symptoms.
Arlene Montgomery tackles the vexing problem of a clinician squo;s internal response to clients, utilizing exercises to examine the therapisttsquo;s reactions to clinical material as a way to gather data about the client
squo;s internal experience. Selected treatment principles of regulation theory guide each chapter. Companion concepts such as intersubjectivity, strangulation of affect, and hidden regulators of attachment are also presented