Today's most trusted study guide brand introduces a breakthrough new test-prep series. As a direct outcome of recent market research, CliffsNotes is launching the Cram Plan series to answer the unmet needs of today's ?snippet-study" test-takers who need to cram for the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE exams just weeks--or days--before the test. These students are extremely pressed for time and want study aids that are highly time-boxed. Unlike any other test-prep product on the market, the Cram Plan series truly calendarizes a study plan for time-crunched test-takers according to their unique situation. The closer the test date approaches, the more granular the guidance and direction becomes. Each book contains a detailed calendar with tasks for each study-plan step; they include multiple checklists throughout. Plus, test-takers can take advantage of online tools such as searchable PDFs, calendar widgets, and e-mail reminders. Each book is divided into six parts and includes: * Diagnostic test. * Two-months-to-prepare stand-alone study plan. * One-month-to-prepare stand-alone study plan. * One-week-to-prepare stand-alone study plan. * Subject reviews. * Full-length practice test with answers and detailed explanations.