Third Edition.
Your definitive word source! Instant access for PC users to 190,000 definitions and over 325,000 synonyms and antonyms. You'll never be at a loss for words again.
A 190,000 word Dictionary with 14,000 new and updated entries; etymologies; pronunciations; examples of words in use; in-depth information on how to use words appropriately, and more. Also includes a 325,000 word thesaurus including antonyms.
Definitions Search finds a word when you only know its definition, or have a vague idea of what it means. For example, type 'goods and payment' and you'll get a list of 20 words, including 'quantum meruit'. Wildcard Search finds a word hen you only know part of the word. For example, type 'dra*' and get a list of 149 words beginning with 'dra', including 'drachma'.
Anagram Search finds all the words that can be made with the letters of a word. For example, type 'cat sat on the mat' and get a list of 9 words with 8 letters or more, including 'test match'. Browse lets you look through the entire dictionary or thesaurus one word at a time.