This book holds a wealth of information on commodities within one convenient book paired with the time-tested Hirsch brand. Its three key offerings include: 1) Monthly almanac pages based around three major groupings (Metals/Petroleum/Agriculture), 2) In-depth informational articles presenting various topics of interest to the investing public, such as China’s Growth as a Commodity Consuming Powerhouse; Currency Valuation and Commodity Pricing, Natural Disasters and Commodity Prices…or how Hurricanes, Droughts, and Earthquakes effect Commodity prices; The Best Investment when Stocks Crash, Risk Premiums and Crop Production…or when Field Crops Tend to Rise and Fall; CTA performance versus the S&P…why Harvard and other Institutions are flocking to Commodities; Transportation and Commodity Prices…or what times of the year transportation effects commodity prices, and 3) Market highlights: 1 to two page overviews of key supply, demand, and seasonal tendencies on markets ranging from Petroleum Products to Grains, Foods, and Metals per month.