The Art of Market Warfare on the Business Battlefield
When Business is War, These are the Rules of Competitive Strategy
Just as the military strategists concentrate on the enemy - who always fights back - so do successful business strategists who want to win in the marketplace. We all know of the McDonalds vs Burger King burger war, Microsoft vs Netscape's browser war and the cola war between Pepsi and Coke. The language of the military has become an integral part of our business vernacular: we now talk about "defending our market share", "going on the offensive" and "killer applications", not to mention "war stories".
This book goes beyond the metaphor to present a fascinating interweaving of real military operations and business successes, showing how to apply and adopt the principles of warfare, demonstrating:
- how to apply them to survive in any competitive market
- how to turn your competitors into followers
- why you don't have to be a giant to compete with one
- how to build a competitive strategy for the next millennium.