A former top national energy official offers a viable plan for American energy independence
Between rising oil prices, global instability, and environmental degradation, even lay people understand the need for American energy independence. Yet our political dialog tends to focus on the most extreme positions, leaving most citizens scratching their heads about what to do. A Declaration of Energy Independence takes a nonpartisan, honest approach to these fundamental questions and obliterates the political and economic myths of both conservatives and liberals. Jay E. Hakes combines real facts and solid science with historical context to ask the right questions and propose the best answers. After educating readers on the facts, A Declaration of Energy Independence goes on to offer an eight-point plan for breaking free from the costly energy trap and enhancing American influence abroad. This is an important and timely book for all Americans.
Jay Hakes (Atlanta, GA) was head of the Energy Information Administration at the U.S. Department of Energy from 1993 to 2000, where he oversaw America's official energy data and analysis. He is currently head of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta.