178 x 254 x 17mm
What is an earthquake gown? Who wore eelskin masher trousers? What did the word 'dudes' mean in the 16th century? A Dictionary of English Costume by Cunnington, Cunnington and Beard was originally published in 1960. A monumental achievement, enclycopaedic in scope, it was a comprehensive catalogue of fashion terms from the mid-medieval period up to 1900. It was reissued and updated several times, for the last time in 1976. The Dictionary of Fashion History completely updates and supplements this landmark work to bring it up to the present day. Featuring additional terms and revised definitions, this new edition represents an essential reference for costume historians, students of fashion, or anyone involved in creating period costume for theatre, film or television. It is also fascinating reading for anyone who is simply interested in fashion. Clear, concise and meticulously detailed, this essential reference answes countless questions about the history of dress and adornment. It will be the definitive guide for generations to come. 'A welcome, needed update of an early landmark dictionary on dress; a must have for all who care about the A to Z of fashion.' Joanne B. Eicher, Regents Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota 'Nearly forty years on and now hard to find save in reference libraries, the volume reappears as The Dictionary of Fashion History, skilfully enlarged and re-edited by Valerie Cumming...Given fresh life and thorough coverage from 1900 through the present day, the new dictionary is once again ready to prove itself a trustworthy guide and companion to all those interested in the absorbing study of clothing.' Ann Saunders, Editor of Costume 1967-2007