Does Someone at Work Treat You Badly? 'The angry screamer' terrorises with temper tantrums. 'The saccharine snake' poisons office relationships. 'The space case' creates chaos by refusing to co-operate. 'The invalidator' destroys morale with constant fault-finding. Bullies and backstabbers, incompetents and harassers. Every office has one... and sometimes, more than one. They can make you dread getting up in the morning even if you like your job - and they can interfere with everyone's efficiency and productivity. Dr. Leonard Felder explains how to deal with the offenders in your office - getting the respect you deserve, managing relationships, and keeping the workday running smoothly. Knowing how to handle the difficult people at work can make a big difference - and not just save your job, but your sanity.
"This book delivers the internal muscle needed to confront people in the workplace... and grow stronger in the process."
Adele Scheele, Ph.D., Working Woman magazine