Now in its fifth edition, Explore Australia by Caravan and Motorhome is better than ever!
This cavanning bible now includes an additional 400 caravan park listings, bringing the total list to over 1000 for cavan parks from around the country.
For every listing, there are new symbols to highlight if a park is dog-friendly, if there is a dump point available and if the park is a member of a major carvan organisation (BIG4, Top Tourist Parks, Family Parks and OZ Parks).
As well as these fantastic new features, all of the information has been rechecked and updated, so that the authors John and Jan Tait can share their unrivalled knowledge of how best to see Australia by caravan.
The touring section at the front outlines suggested itineraries with new mapping which includes the carvan parks from the directory marked with easy-to-locate numbers.
The directory still highlights John and Jan's favourite caravan parks - those with stunning waterfront sites, pancakes every Sunday or boat ramps for fishing might score a mention as "Authors" Choice parks.
In a paperback for easy in-car reference, this is the ultimate guidbook for the free-spirited traveller.