Everywhere we look, whether on TV or in a magazine, we're confronted with the same message. You need to be thinner, you need to be on a diet, you need to take so-called 'fat burning' supplements. But should this be accepted wisdom? What do we know about the fat that we would like to lose rather than embrace? No other organ - yes, fat is an organ - has so many prejudicial attitudes towards it with people having such limited knowledge about it.
And that is completely unjustified as doctors and fat researchers Dr Mariette Boon and Professor Liesbeth van Rossum show in FAT: THE SECRET ORGAN. In this thorough and accessible book, these two scientists will talk about the latest research in this field of study.
Did you know that:
- fat generates important hormones?
- fat can communicate with your brain?
- fat is essential to staying alive?
- the cause of excess fat often has nothing to do with too much food or too little exercise?
- stress, genetic predisposition and hormonal disorders affect the fat in your body?
- fat shaming has significant psychological effects?
- a crash diet does not benefit you...
This entertaining and informative book gives a fascinating and often surprising glimpse into the secret life of fat.