Discover the world of five furry friends, Louisa the polar bear, Sam the monkey, Faraway the aardvark, Georgie the penguin and Florrie the dog, who live on a magical patchwork quilt. More than anything, these five friends love to tell each other stories. Together, this small group of beanie-style toys take it in turns to be the storyteller, while their friends act out the story. We fade into a patchwork picture and find the toys in the land of the imagination. With its soft hand-sewn look and familiar storytelling style, it's time for a story, so won't you stay for Five Minutes More?
Faraway is a traveller, full of magical tales from fantasy worlds -- places he claims to have been before he landed on the bedspread. This imaginative aardvark regards himself as an expert on most subjects and often embellishes his friends' stories with his own helpful remarks!
The Fives Minutes More plus look exactly as they do on TV, replicating the soft and hand-sewn look of the beanie-style characters. Every child can now cuddle and share the storytelling experience with their very own Faraway!