The evolution of science and how we conduct experiments would most likely not be nearly as sophisticated as it is today if it weren’t for Galileo Galilei. Hailed ‘the father of modern science’ by none other than Albert Einstein, Galileo pioneered the scientific method, which uses careful observation and experimentation to make scientific discoveries. His life’s work focused on physics and the solar system, and he made ground-breaking observations such as the fact that the Earth moves around the Sun, not the other around. His work informs both modern scientific endeavour and our daily lives. However, he was nearly put to death because of it. Learn why and find out many other interesting facts about Galileo’s life with this fascinating biography. With colourful illustrations, varied page layouts and quirky design, it will captivate and enthral any child with an interest in the universe, and may even inspire this interest in those who haven’t yet appreciated the wonders of forces beyond our eyes. Discover what the work of great astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei can tell us about life and society, and see how his discoveries have changed our understanding of the world around us forever!