'Journeys In Faith' is the second of four books in the 'Growing Together In Faith' series. As with Books 1 and 3, Book 2 is focused on the study of Christianity from within the Catholic tradition. Its emphasis is on the Christian vision of living the Good News of the Gospel, and it is aimed at students aged 13 to 14 years old in the first or second year of secondary school.
This teacher manual can be used in conjunction with the student text of the same name. Ten topics are explored in Book 2:
- Creation as God's Gift
- Religion in Australia
- The Local Church
- Living in a Family
- Characters from Hebrew Scriptures
- Justice Issues
- Failures on the Journey: Sinfulness and Reconciliation
- Saints from History
- Prayer: Food for the Journey
- Mary, Woman of Great Faith.
For each topic the teacher manual contains:
- information on designing a curriculum using this series
- a theological reflection
- a list of aims and objectives - cognitive and affective
- a detailed table of contents
- a variety of activities arranged according to the series' three-step process: Reflecting on Life, Knowing Our Faith, and Integrating Faith and Life
- suggestions for a major and minor work requirement
- photocopiable activity sheets.