215 x 260 x 16mm
Knitting has long been celebrated as a therapeutic and creative experience, which can produce many unique and eye-catching items. In Hand Knits for the Home and Garden, experienced designer Alison Dupernex shares the secrets of how to work with the head, heart and hand in tune, combining stitch choices, colour, material and skilful execution into one design. This beautiful book of projects offers an extensive collection of patterns for domestic furnishings and household items. With practical advice and further ideas for each project, it can be used as both a tutorial and a catalyst for developing individual style and original pieces of work. Supported by over 150 colour illustrations, this detailed guide offers finishing techniques and includes over 40 patterns for cushions, throws, pots, lampshades, rugs and other fun projects such as covers for hot water bottles and deck chairs. AUTHOR: Alison Dupernex has supplied specialist luxury goods to galleries and shops in the United Kingdom, the USA and Japan for a number of years. Her knitwear has been featured in the designer room at Liberty of London, and her patterns have been widely published by magazines such as Vogue Knitting. 164 colour photographs