Our enduring love of vampires - the bad boys (and girls) of paranormal fantasy - has persisted for centuries. Despite being bloodthirsty, heartless killers, vampire stories commonly carry erotic overtones that are missing from other paranormal or horror stories. Even when monstrous teeth are sinking into pale, helpless throats - especially then - vampires are sexy. But why? In A History Of The Vampire In Popular Culture, author Violet Fenn takes the reader through the history of vampires in 'fact' and fiction, their origins in mythology and literature and their enduring appeal on tv and film. We'll delve into the sexuality - and sexism - of vampire lore, as well as how modern audiences still hunger for a pair of sharp fangs in the middle of the night. AUTHOR: Violet Fenn has always been fascinated by history and human behaviour. She specialises in lighthearted and entertainingly straightforward investigations into the changing cultural attitudes towards sex and mortality. Her previous titles include Sex and Sexuality in Victorian Britain and A History of the Vampire in Popular Culture. She was once turned down for a job as an undertaker's assistant for being 'too interested in death'. 30 b/w illustrations