Homo Gaia is written by lifelong environmentalist and citizen scientist, who wishes to pass on a thin strand of hope to the next generation. During childhood holidays by the sea, the pristine Long Beach was full of treasures from the deep, sharks and dolphins swam near the shore, and the sea and air was vibrant with life and energy. Homo Gaia is written by lifelong environmentalist and citizen scientist, who wishes to pass on a thin strand of hope to the next generation. After a five year project on nature connection at the Greenworld foundation, Thailand, where she was chairperson, was halted by Covid, Oy decided to write a book instead. Showing how others can also experience the wondrous world that surrounds us, she weaves in her own experiences with information and insights from scientists. AUTHOR: Oy Kanjanavanit has spent her career working in environmental education, believing educating younger generations of the value of the environment is the way to encourage them to cherish and look after it. She was Chairperson at the Greenworld Foundation in Bangkok, an organisation providing education materials for schools and training educators to create inspiring classes. SELLING POINTS: . Homo Gaia is written by a lifelong environmentalist and citizen scientist, who wishes to pass on a thin strand of hope to the next generation . Showing how others can also experience the wondrous world that surrounds us, she weaves in her own experiences with information and insights from scientists