Learn four techniques for carding wool from four master spinners.|
Carding is the first step toward consistent, easy-to-spin woollen yarns, and hand cards are the most accessible tool for achieving them. But how to produce those fluffy, lofty, spinnable rolags? There are many schools of thought. In this DVD, you'll see four master spinners share their techniques and tricks, ranging from deeply traditional to somewhat eccentric. They all work. You'll also enjoy bonus content with Andrea Mielke Schroer and Narcissa Venigas Perez, a spinner in the Oaxacan highlands. Much of this is basic lore, but there are also surprises:
How much fibre should you load onto your cards? It depends.
Should you start carding from the top of the card, or from the lip? It depends.
What's better than forming one rolag from a single carding? Forming three!
Are those brand-new cards ready to go? Maybe not.
Should you'rest your passive card on your thigh? How about waving it in the air?
Is changing hands a heresy?
Oh, there's more, so much more. Whatever your own methods, if you've developed any, you will find food for thought and tricks to try.