No one knows exactly what will happen in the months leading up to and following 1 January 2000, when the effects of the Millennium Bug on the world's computers - indeed the entire global infrastructure - begin to manifest themselves. What the experts are certain of is that there will be effects. Their order of magnitude is uncertain but could range from brief power failures and minor inconveniences to widespread and prolonged power and telecommunications failures; fuel and food shortages; interruptions in road , rail and air transportation; and the standing down of workers by businesses, with consequent serious impacts on individuals, families and the economy as a whole.
This book, written by an Australian for Australians, is a step-by-step guile to getting you, your family and your community through a period - which could last days, weeks or months - of what may be a serious national challenge. It's motto is "hope for the best; prepare for the worst" and its credo is that in unity there is strength, in community hope.