Perspectives, Roles and Practice Choices.
This book provides a refreshing examination of the field of Human Resource Development (HRD). While maintaining a focus on HRD in Australia, the book endeavours to keep before you an awareness of the international scene as well. It focuses upon HRD as a means of helping people, individuals, groups, teams, departments, public and private organisations, to develop their full potential.
Part 1 gives you a comprehensive look at the "Big Picture" of HRD, the current climate with a particular emphasis on the microeconomic context of Australia. Part 2 looks at the key HRD role choices on offer, while Part 3 features friendly information on current and frequently used practice choices available to professionals in the human relations area, thus giving you the ability to apply any of the practice choices currently needed within your organisation.
The book also allows you to ensure that change is planned, organised, and integrated in the workplace, and that you are expanding your knowledge, skills and attitudes to continually upgrade your capability to achieve desired results.