In the second installment of Bill Nye's Jack and the Geniuses series, Jack, his brilliant siblings, and Dr. Hank Witherspoon go on an adventure to the remote Hawaiian island home of Ashley Hawking, a technology billionaire. Hawking and engineer Rosa Morris have built a revolutionary electricity plant that harvests energy from the deep ocean, but someone has been sabotaging the project. In their search for the culprit, Jack and crew venture 2,000 feet below the surface in a homemade submarine, get trapped in an underwater lab, attend the world's strangest birthday party, and find themselves lost at sea. This fast-paced mystery forces Jack and his siblings to use all their brainpower and cunning to survive and find out who's behind the sabotage. Like volume one, it includes a glossary of terms and inventions found in the book, as well as an experiment that kids can do at home or in the classroom.