PART ONE: BACKGROUND. 1. Complementary Medicine in Practice. Introductio n. What is CAM? The present situation. Provision of CAM in mainstream me dical care. Key issue to be addressed. How can CTs be integrated into pr imary care? Summary. 2. Models and research in CTs. Introduction. Models and theories of healing. Research. Research into specific conditions. M odels and research in individual therapies. Research evidence. PART TWO: CT SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION. 3. Designing an integrated service. Introduc tion. Key issues and questions for practice development and clinical gov ernance. Models of integration and delivery. People issues. Funding and resource issues. Legal considerations. Issues of learning and communicat ion. Information for doctors on specific CT techniques, training & organ ization. Practitioner development. Practice professional development pla nning. Patient involvement. Design of material. An examples of service d esign: the Marylebone Health Centre (MHC) project. Key information sourc es. 4. Delivering and evaluating the service. Introduction. The service delivery process. Examples of integrated delivery in practice. Can compl