Soon to be a Max/Cartoon Network animated series!
Iyanu must face her destiny and save all of Yorubaland! She has help from her friends- Biyi, a carefree adventurer; Toye, the bookworm; and Ekun, the magical and opinionated giant leopard!
Soon to be a Max/Cartoon Network animated series!
Iyanu must face her destiny and save all of Yorubaland! She has help from her friends- Biyi, a carefree adventurer; Toye, the bookworm; and Ekun, the magical and opinionated giant leopard!
Together, all four-also known as Team Chosen-embark on an epic adventure full of twists, turns, and laughs that will change their lives forever!
Dark Horse and YouNeek Studios continue stories in a shared universe of African fantasy and superhero stories-the YouNeek YouNiverse!