This second instalment in the Laminated Wood Art series focuses on using a multi-generational process to create unique, symmetrical wood art patterns with intricate designs. This straightforward method involves cutting laminated strips of different wood species at various angles and gluing them back together to develop new, repeated configurations. The designs discussed in this book employ evenly balanced patterns that can be manipulated to form new, more complicated designs. Artistic concepts naturally evolve with each generation. Learn how to build a pair of end table tops, then take these indispensable principles and use your imagination to combine the min to new artistic shapes and displays. Friendly instructions and images of different phases of completion result in symmetrical multi-generational patterns using four generations. The author also covers many wood working basics, such as safety, tools, materials, wood movement, and moisture. AUTHOR: Stephen Carey has thrived in a home shop for over 30 years, making unique wood art using average tools and supplies. He has "been there and done that" on a budget and knows how to help fellow amateur wood workers succeed. SELLING POINTS: ? A guide to combining wood species to create artistic projects employing generational cutting and gluing ? Detailed step-by-step instructions for end table tops, plus crisp photos and valuable safety information ? Once you master the concept, the patterns and possibilities are endless 150 colour photos