In this gripping and unusual mystery, parapsychologist Lucretia (Cree) Black finds herself embroiled in the extraordinary case of Tommy Keeday, a brilliant student at a private boarding school on a Native American reservation deep in the desert of western New Mexico.
When he is suddenly seized by an illness with bizarre and frightening symptoms, Tommy's family believes he's possessed by a chindi, the hostile spirit of a dead ancestor. Could there be any truth in the terrifying Navajo legends of malevolent ghosts? Or is there a more conventional explanation? Is Tommy simply a sensitive but troubled teenager? Or is he suffering from an exotic brain disorder?
As Cree is about to discover, the answers lie in the past - and the unsolved mystery of a gruesome murder that took place over fifteen years before . . .
A spine-tingling novel of psychological suspense. 'Land Of Echoes' is a deeply satisfying and intriguing story bolstered by real substance.