'Last Orders' is an exciting and thrilling anthology of original short crime fiction by the up-and-coming and critically acclaimed crime writer Tony Black - Irvine Welsh's favourite british crime writer. Features the return of Edinburgh's reluctant investigator Gus Dury in 'Last Orders' and 'Long Way Down'. When he receives a mysterious letter on expensive paper, reluctant investigator Gus Dury decides to take the case, if for no other reason than he needs the cash. But there's something about his well-heeled client that doesn't sit right with Dury in 'Last Orders'. Meanwhile a low-life drug-dealer has a sudden change of heart as he takes revenge on his cheating partner in 'London Calling'. Find out how a victim of high school date rape takes the ultimate revenge and explore the grisly aftermath of a bank job with a crew who suspects one of their number has tipped off the police. And follow a performance-enhanced bodybuilder who loses control with bloody consequences in this collection of original novellas and short stories by Irvine Welsh's 'favourite British crime writer', Tony Black.