With 11 editions per year containing features, interviews, profiles, news, reviews and listening guides, Limelight provides breadth, liveliness and quality for discerning readers.
Cover story- Sheku Kanneh-Mason- En Famille Sheku Kanneh-Mason shot to global fame when he played at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in 2018, and he hasn't looked back. In July, he plays with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, before touring nationally with his six siblings, all musicians. Still only 23, he tells us about falling for the cello, his musical family, his rocketing career - and that wedding.
Profile- Didgeridoo Master For two decades, William Barton has led the way in forging bonds between Aboriginal and classical music. Voted the 2021 Limelight Artist of the Year, he continues to hit new heights as a player and composer. About to perform his latest world premiere with Simone Young and the Sydney Symphony, we talk to him about his instrument, his culture and his remarkable career.
Feature- National Anthems Sports fans will hear numerous national anthems at the Commonwealth Games in irmingham. We look at the background, history and anecdotes surrounding these patriotic songs from around the world.
Interview- Richard Tognetti, director Nigel Jamieson and cinematographer Jon Frank discuss the Australian Chamber Orchestra's new project The Crowd & I, which combines live music and film footage as it explores life on our densely populated planet.
Soundings- Check out our popular monthly columns including On the Record, Clive Paget's round-up of the best new recordings; Cutting Edge about the latest in new music; Guy Noble's amusing, provocative Soapbox; and Sacred Cow, in which a guest writer vents, humorously, about something that bugs them in arts and culture.
Reviews- Our experienced critics lend their minds to the latest concerts, operas, plays and dance works around the country including Pinchgut Opera's Orontea, Elena Carapetis's 21st-century take on Antigone for State Theatre Company South Australia, and Beethoven's Symphony No 6 from Asher Fisch and the West Australian Symphony Orchestra.
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