Parenting expert and mother-of-four Gen Muir has helped thousands of families to navigate strong emotions and challenging behaviour in young kids. In Little People, Big Feelings, she shares her tried-and-tested techniques that work to build genuine connection, establish effective boundaries and develop emotional resilience that will last a lifetime.
Reassuring, compassionate and relatable, this book will help you through some of the most difficult moments of parenting - public meltdowns, bedtime struggles, school refusal, new sibling rivalry - without losing your own mind or quashing your child's spirit. Using stories, scripts and step-by-steps, Gen reveals how to communicate so your child can hear you, and how to welcome your child's emotions in order to help them regulate.
You'll also learn:
· Why setting firm and kind limits is essential for making our kids feel safe.
· Why traditional approaches like timeouts, reward charts and a focus on praise or punishment aren't effective for long-term behaviour change.
· Why understanding our own response to our kids' feelings is the key to becoming the parent we want to be.
· And why it's so important to show ourselves self-compassion when raising little people with big feelings.