We all suffer some illness . . . and eventually die - that's part of life. What we don't want is to die prematurely or suffer unnecessarily. This important book by GP, Dr Paul Goyen, identifies the preventable illnesses that are the most common causes of premature death and disability, and offers advice on how to minimise the risk of contracting these illnesses.
This important book identifies the preventable illnesses that are the most common causes of premature death and disability in Australia. It offers realistic and practical advice to the 'layperson' to minimise the risk of contracting these illnesses, and tools for incorporating this advice into your life.
Most illnesses evolve over many years and prevention must be a never-ending process. Here is a life-long programme for illness prevention for men and women and children, covering all significant disease categories, including physical illness, mental health and social issues.
Many adult diseases have their foundation in childhood, such as heart disease and diabetes, and mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. These diseases should be addressed in childhood, and practices are outlined that parents need to follow to help their children become healthy adults.