Over 100 Healthy Quick and Easy Recipes.
"Bringing up my daughter, Rosie, and trying to get her to eat healthily right from the word go, has been such an education.
From my own experiences as a mum who has always wanted the best for my child, I know just how much parents need no-nonsense and practical information when it comes to feeding babies and toddlers . . . now more than ever before. Almost every week the newspapers run stories about our children's bad eating habits, telling us that our kids will suffer later in life for eating too much junk food in childhood.
We have a responsibility to try and instil good nutritional habits in our kids from as early an age as we can. That's why we've packed my new book with more than 100 mouth-watering recipes that have proved to be as popular with babies and toddlers as they are reassuring to parents' dietary concerns. And we've also included as many creative and practical ideas, tips and hints as we could, ideas that I hope will add some inspiration to the day-to-day routine of bringing up a happy and healthy baby." - Lorraine Kelly