In a world where the price of magic is life itself, a group of seemingly immortal sorcerors called Magisters appears to have cheated the system. But only one man knows the true origin of their power, or understands what it may soon cost them. Now Kamala - a young woman born to poverty and abuse, the first of her sex to claim a Magister's power - will seek her rightful place among them, and lay seige to their secrets. The monk Salvator will claim his father's throne, and test his faith against a legendary darkness. The beautiful Siderea Aminestas, consort to Magisters, will be offered the thing she desires the cost of her human soul. All while an ancient Evil that was thought to be destroyed long ago begins to stir anew, corrupting kings, shattering alliances, and ultimately threatening to unweave the very fabric of human civilization. A mystical bloodline was cultivated to stand in the path of darkness and it must awaken to its full potential. But this will demand the ultimate sacrifice of its warriors...and corruption is rife.