Illustrated by Woodrow Phoenix
Jim wants a dog so much that he invents one. The problem is, no one in his class believes him. They want proof. "If your dog's so real, why don't you enter him for the Pet Show?" So, Jim's got twenty-four hours to find a dog - any dog.
After hilarious and unsuccessful attempts to borrow dogs, Jim finds a large, ugly dog tied up outside a shop. There's no sign of the owner, so Jim screws up courage to untie him. Jim needs Blast so badly that he'll follow him anywhere. After a white-knucke race through a department store and scandalising local peace-loving moggies, Jim steers Blast into the Pet Show. Jim's in more trouble when the judges find that Blast has been beaten - they accuse Jim! Then Blast's real owner turns up. In a final showdown, Blast shows his heart of gold, his owner shows her true nature, and Jim shows he really does a way with dogs.
'Mammoth Read' novels are suitable for fluent readers.