Capture the identity and sense of a seascape with essential plein air and studio instruction.|Fine tune your practice with plein air studies, and learn how to complete your vision home in the studio
Join renowned seascape artist Don Demers in a step-by-step demonstration beginning with dynamic on-site instruction and finishing in the studio at New York City's historic Salmagundi Club.
Get an exclusive look into a master's process and apply his techniques in your own work. Discover seascape painting secrets revealed, including how Don initiates his vision for realistic and impactful seascapes.
Enhance your skills and your artwork as you learn how to:
Create authentic seascapes?learn to paint every element of the wave, including the linear structure, foam tracings, and more!
Learn the art of quick-study sketches with Don's tips on capturing a vision on site and combining studies into one powerfully designed piece.
Paint natural lighting effects convincingly with tips on illuminating with warm, emotive colour.
And more!
Capture the identity and sense of a seascape with essential plein air and studio instruction.
Order your copy of this must-have plein air resource today!